Collecting U.S. Small Size Type Notes

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$500 Federal Reserve Note, St. Louis 8-H, Series 1934, Light Green Seal. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,

Collecting U.S. Small Size Type Notes home page

U.S. Small Size Currency Types

$20 Gold Certificate, Series 1928, Star note. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
$10 Silver Certificate, Series 1934B. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,

U.S. Small Size currency was issued starting in 1929 and Federal Reserve Notes are still being issued today. Each Small Size Type was issued in one or more Series, and each Series was issued with one or more combinations of Treasury officer signatures. The following links provide more information on each of these Small Size Types.

Legal Tender Notes (United States Notes) (Series 1928-1966)

Gold Certificates (Series 1928)

Silver Certificates (Series 1928-1957)

Federal Reserve Notes (Series 1928-current)

Federal Reserve Bank Notes (Series 1929, Issued 1933-34 & 1942-44)

Other Small Size Type Topics

$5 FRN, San Francisco 12-L, Series 1934, Front, WWII Hawaii Emergency note. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
$5 FRN, San Francisco 12-L, Series 1934, Back, WWII Hawaii Emergency note. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
  • World War II Emergency Notes
During World War II, emergency military currency was issued for Hawaii (Brown Seal with Hawaii Overprint) and North Africa/Sicily (Yellow Seal). These Series 1934/1935 Silver Certificates and Federal Reserve Notes were designed to be easily demonetized if we lost the Hawaiian Islands to the Japanese, or if the invasion of North Africa (and later Sicily) failed and significant amounts of the currency fell into German hands.
  • U.S. Small Size Star notes
$2 Legal Tender, Series 1928D, Mule Star note. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
During the printing process for small size notes, if a note is found to be imperfect, it is replaced with a Star note. These star notes are identical to the regular note except it will have a star either before or after the serial number. On Federal Reserve Notes, the star appears after the serial number. On all other small size issues, the star precedes the serial number. Star notes are much rarer than regular notes and will always command a premium.
  • U.S. Small Size Varieties: Mules
Mules are a subtle variety of small size notes printed between 1938 and 1953, where one side of the note has a micro-size plate number and the other side has a macro-size plate number. See the following two articles for details.
This link will download the entire Nov/Dec 2001 Paper Money Journal Special Issue dedicated to Short-Snorters (U.S. Small size notes (or foreign currency) signed by members of a group. Many of these notes date from World War II, and some are signed by famous military officers or other celebrities).

Ways to Collect Small Size Type Notes

There are several ways to collect Small Size Type notes, including:

  • By Type: Collect a note from each of the Small Size Types, or from every Denomination for each Type.
  • By Denomination: Collect all of the different types and varieties of notes for a specific Denomination (ie $2 bills).
  • By Block: Collect a note from each of the blocks for a particular Small Size Type.
(A Block refers to the prefix & suffix letter combination in the serial number. For example, serial number H12345678A is the HA block).
  • Or ?????: Use your imagination! There is no wrong way to collect paper money!

SPMC Paper Money Articles Index (Small Size Type)

This Index page has links to all 280+ articles on U.S. Small Size Type Notes that have appeared in the Paper Money Journal since the first issue in 1962.
This link will download the entire Sep/Oct 2004 Paper Money Journal Special Issue dedicated to Small Size U.S. Currency.

Research Resources

Standard References on U.S. Small Size Currency

  • Standard Guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money 1928 to Date (10th Edition-2011) by John Schwartz and Scott Lindquist.
This is the standard reference guide for all types of U.S. Small Size Type currency (This was the final edition of this guide, released in 2011, so prices are not current, but all of the other information is still valid).
  • Collector's Guide to Modern Federal Reserve Notes (1st Edition-2010) by Robert Azpiazu.
This is the standard reference guide for modern Federal Reserve Notes 1963-2009.
  • Paper Money of the United States. A complete illustrated guide with valuations (22nd Edition-2021) by Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg
This standard reference guide on all types of U.S. paper money has sections on all six types of Small Size Notes including valuations.



Census Data on U.S. Small-Size Varieties plus resource references including a more detailed categorical breakdown of the Paper Money Journal small size articles.
An active forum for all paper money collectors and all paper money collecting topics.
A Facebook Group for Education and Enjoyment of Small Size Specialized U.S. Paper Money Varieties.
This is a link to the Heritage Currency Auction Archives for Small Size Type Notes.


  • The SPMC Paper Money Journal is published bi-monthly and covers all facets of collecting paper money. Online and print options available for membership.